Wednesday, 29 June 2011

keGILAan masa dulu....

Mehndi or Henna....nama yg pernah menjadi kegilaanku...but don't worry, it's not the name for a adalah nama2 utk seni ukiran tangan yg famous di kalangan org India...especially time majlis kawen n ape2 celebration,e.g. karwa chauth (btol ke x eja cmni ;p)diwali n mcm2 ni peminat setia cite2 Hindi..n since i started watching these Hindi movies, i was exposed by this beautiful art...once jumpe inai lukis tu, sy try la lukis kt tgn sendiri..bile dh menjadi, wat demo utk tgn kawan2 plak...alhamdulillah...berjaya jgk akhirnya...then sy terfikir utk wat service lukis inai...with continuous support from my beloved family n friends, sy berjaya wat bisnes ala kadar kt cume caj simple2 je...bdak2 pompuan kt dorm sy mmg ske benda2 cmni...n stakat yg sy pakai, inai lukis ni cume tahan dlm masa seminggu dua je...the best part is, kebanyakan yg dtg sumenya 'regular customer'...sorang penah wat 3,4x..mmg sonok sgt time skrg ni susah nk dpt inai yg berkualiti esp kt Kelantan....

ni pattern pertama yg sy lukis kt tgn sendiri...ok x?design ni amek kt internet...saje nk test..

yg ni demo kt tgn kawan..hehehe..;p

ni dia antara contoh2 lukisan yg sy wat kt tgn2 customer...

sy penah berangan nk lukis inai kt tangan sendiri utk majlis kawen sy...punye la nk gila cari inai satu Kota Bharu..akhirnya jumpa gak..sbb takut xjumpe dh pastu, sy beli satu kotak!

excited sgt time tu...tup2 2,3 ari nk kawen,sy lukis la tgn ni dgn bersungguh2....keesokan harinya, bile buka mata tgk2 inai xterang!!! yg tu kire ok lagi...mlm akad nikah lagi haru biru..inai hilang terus! sedihnya Tuhan saje yg tahu...dh la susah nk cari inai,jumpe2 yg x berkualiti langsung...trus la sanding ngan inai kt kuku je..mmg frust menonggeng gak dh xde rejeki...huhu (T_T)...yg pasti,KAWEN ttp SAH!.hehehehe..alhamdulillah...berakhir la zaman bujangku n welcome to WIFEY club!ahaks...

dlm hati ni ttp husnu zhon(sangka baik)..mybe inai2 lain yg still ade dlm kotak ni ok kot...pastu ade request dr jiran sebelah mintak dipakaikan inai utk majlis kawen pon bgtau la awal2..kl xterang jgn marah pon lukis la dgn syoknya...sampai hari sanding, ty kt pengantin ok x inai?..dia kate xterang langsung..aduhai......sedih la cmni...nampak gayanya xmenjadi la bisnes kt kelantan...kt KL senang je cr inai..kt pasar malam sebelah UIA Gombak ade je inai2 yg berkualiti..kl nk yg lagi mantap hasilnya, cr je kt Masjid India or Jalan Tar..confirm jumpe...

setelah percubaan sy yg kedua ni turut menemui jalan buntu, sy pon dgn dukacitanya bersara la dr karier lukis melukis ni...mgkin belum ade rejeki lagi xpe, pasni ingat nk try bisnes lain lak...ade gak bincang ngan hubby psl nk bukak perancangan tu xde lagi..setakat perbincangan atas angin je...doa2kan la ye semoga sumenya berjalan lancar...amin...

thats all for today....jumpe lagi!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Recipe time!!!!!

i looooovveee cooking!it's my passion..hehehe..selalunya ade je online resipi yg menarik perhatian sy....but for this post, i want to share a spaghetti recipe from my selalu wat yg ni..kirenya resipi ni diturunkan oleh kakak sy..mana dia belajar pon sy xpasti..yg penting,bile masak spaghetti ni, ramai yg mintak lagi..hehehe...

it's just a simple spaghetti with a simple sauce from a simple person...kl nk tambah rasa umph(tu pon kl ske la) bleh wat meatballs skali...yg ni sy belajar melalui cite New Scandinavian cook kt Asian Food Channel...(yg Nigella Lawson n Jamie Oliver blom sempat buat lagi :p)

Lets start with the ingredients: (for 4-5)
~500gm Spaghetti
~daging (potong dadu. daging kisar kurang best so better gune daging biasa)
~4 biji bawang besar (potong dadu)
~2 labu bwg putih (potong dadu)
~cili giling (mengikut citarasa.kl nk lagi pedas letak byk sket)
~4 sudu sos tiram
~1 tin kecil tomato puri (sy xske masam,kl ske masam leh la letak yg sederhana)
~sedikit air
~black pepper (byk lagi best)
~garam n gula

cara2 membuatnya:
1) didihkan air dalam periuk. setelah mendidih,masukkan sedikit minyak masak. kemudian masukkan spaghetti. setelah masak, angkat dan toskan.
1) panaskan minyak. tumis bwg besar n bwg putih sehingga naik bau. kemudian masukkan cili giling.beberape minit kemudian, masukkan tomato puri. kacau hingga sebati.
2)pastu masukkan daging n kacau sehingga sebati n keluar air daging.
3)masukkan sedikit air. pastu masukkan sos tiram. tunggu sehingga daging masak/empuk.
4)perasakan dgn garam n gula.nk tmbah ajinomoto pon boleh.
5)bile daging dh masak, taburkan black pepper sebanyak yg anda ske.
6)bolehlah dihidang dgn spaghetti..yum2!

Ni la rupa sos spaghetti yg dh siap...selamat mencuba...

ni plak rupa homemade meatballs yg belum digoreng...kl nk goreng gune minyak sikit je...jgn garing sgt nanti keras...
*yg ni sy gune daging kisar..baru la seswaiii..hehehe..selamat mencuba!

Angry Bird's MADNESS!!!!

ANGRY BIRDS!!!! They are everywhere....u can either play it on ur Android phone or even on PC....there is only 1 word to describe this phenomena: MADNESS!!! It all started when i browsed for free games on my husband's HTC phone and suddenly i noticed this game was rated on the first rank....i started thinking.."what is sooo special about this game???"..

the next day, my husband downloaded it and we started 1st impression: hmm..not bad...ok la..followed by 2nd and 3rd impressions:WOW!!!!see,simple game can attract u n people all over the world..for those who still have no clue what so ever about ANGRY BIRDS, this game is about 5 types of birds and some piggies (green colored). these notty piggies like to steal those cutie birds eggs..that is why these superbirds (well, i call them with a new name) become angry...then puff...the title "ANGRY BIRDS" appeared...nice right?

a few weeks ago, i googled "angry birds" wallpapers and i found this:

They're all cute but i prefer the black and the yellow because they are more powerful compared to the is also stated by 1 of the websites that i regularly visit this website and see for yourself...ENJOY!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t : Pembuka Bicara.....


Welcome to my blog....i'm still new to this blog thing so if there is any suggestion, not hesitate to drop ur comments here...harap2 pasni dpt berkongsi idea n resipi2 menarik kt sini....i'm a food lover..i love to cook for my husband n dh byk try resipi online n alhamdulillah..sumenya menjadi...kepada para suri rumah yg ade resipi2 yg agak luar biase..(tahap vava vooom!) diharap sudi berkongsi dgn saya ye...yg belum jadi suri rumah pun dialu-alukan juga...hehehe...