Saturday, 13 October 2012
Welcome to this world my dearest NIHAT IHSAN bin MUHAMMAD RIDHWAN!!!!!
Mode: Happy!!!!
10th October 2012....and my new life has just begun....
Salam to all....I'm now living in a chapter of my life....being a mother..amazing? YESS....never felt like this before..rase bersyukur sgt2 bile penantian selama 39 minggu berakhir sudah....pejam celik2..akhirnya lahirlah seorang putera yg diberi nama NIHAT IHSAN BIN MUHAMMAD RIDHWAN ke dunia ini...
pengalaman bersalin mmg best..ahaha...alkisahnya nk pegi final check up kt HUSM...last nite rase kureng selesa drpada jumpe doctor, bgtau la dia..pastu dia cek jalan..tgk2 dh 2cm...trus admit ke wad...masa tu xrase sakit sgt lenguh2 je..dh bwk brg sume rehat lam wad...kul 245pm cek jalam sbb rase lain macm sket...rupenya dh buka nurse xbagi masuk labour room lagi sbb takut buhsan...ptg tu mertua,ipar n kakak dtg melawat...dorang cm amazed...kata dorang jln dh 4cm pon cm xde pape..rileks je leh dok bersila mkn nasi...hehe...
ingatkn ptg tu nk tunggu sampai kul 8pm still xde rase contraction tido la semalaman kt HUSM....subuh hari rabu (10/10/12) time mandi ade rase contraction 2x jarak dekat..bgtau nurse..bile cek kul 730am, dh 5cm..doc chinese ckp "u ni dh 5cm pon leh dok rileks mkn roti ..kl 10 org mcm u, mmg senang la bersalin.." trus call hubby nk masuk labour room...masa tu rase nervous sgt2!roti sempat mkn sekeping je sbb xlalu..pastu minum air bacaan yasin yg abg kirimkn...tu je..
Dlm labour room, doctor pecahkan ketuban kul 9am n bagi ubat suruh jalan cepat buka...mula2 ok je lagi..sempat borak2 ngan hubby sambil dgr suare baby2 yg br lahir kt bilik2 sebelah..rasa overwhelming sgt...xsabar nk dgr suare anak sendiri...smbil tunggu zikir xtinggal..alhamdulillah..nasib la xlalai...hubby yg plg byk bg Abg! dlm pukul 12am, contraction kuat sgt..YaAllah, sakit tuhan saje yg tau..hubby siap urut pinggang..usap2 tgn bg tahan sakit..sblm tu nurse bg ubat thn sakit n sempat la lelap dlm 1/2 jam..bile mengadu kt nurse, dia ckp lambat lagi nk kuar..anak sulung mmg cmtu...then kami ditinggalkan..doc dtg sorang demi sorang cek status...xthn sgt,nurse bg oxygen suh sedut..rse cm khayal pon ade..hahahaha...hubby siap gelak2 lagi...ceh...
last2, dlm kul 200pm, xthn sgt2..hubby panggil nurse..yg bengangnya, dia syh tarik nafas panjang2 n xbg time tu mmg dh xleh nk tarik nafas sbb rase kepala baby dh nk kuar dh..vbile nurse cek,mmg dh buka sgt2 dh jln..trus kelam kabut doc dtg..aku pon push la...asalnya mmg xreti tp try gak..lagi skali nurse bising sbb dia ckp aku xikut arahan..bkn xnk ikut tp ngah sakit n xleh nk tarik kaki...last2 nurse lain dtg ganti n doc chinese laki yg kecik molek dtg suh push...aku pon push je la..
doc ckp bile rase sakit contraction br push, kl xsakit jgn push..haa,yg ni aku ikut arahan..heheheeh..sakit je trus push..ingat xnk kuar suare tp last kuar jgk..sakit kotttt...xleh kawal..hehe...setelah push selama 1/2 jam, maka terdengarla suara NIHAT IHSAN...YA ALLAH...Syukur padamu kerna mengurniakan kami sorang putera..aku n hubby mengalirkan air mata kesyukuran di saat NIHAT diletakkan di atas perutku...tu lah saat yg PALING INDAH dlm hidup kami....
dh selamat sumenya,doc td dh ready nk jhit luka..tu pun dia sempah toreh sket alhamdulillahhh...jahit ske je..n dia bg bius..aku yg maih khayal (akibat gas td) sempat terlelap ms proses jahitan berlaku..pas setel, dia bwk jumpe bby NIHAT n aku bg susu..ari tu aku dh jadi seorang IBU...Allhamdulillah..syukur..
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Wicked Wednesday just begun...
Just finished editing examination questions before taking a long maternity leave....huh...feel a bit stress nowadays...but still try to concentrate on the baby...and the husband...
Seriously speaking,I was in a very emotional situation lately...always wanted to cry..sometimes without valid reasons...poor mr.husband has to comfort me whenever I felt this way...
Actually, I don't want to trouble him with my crazy "mood swing" but sometimes I can't control feels like forever! after that 'situation' is gone, I felt so sorry for him...Sorry Abg...I didn't mean to trouble you....huhuuh (T_T)....please forgive me...
the priority now is him and the baby!! Yup, must gather all the strength to change myself and become 'me' called 'happy-go-lucky' woman that I used to be..
Ya Allah, please give me strength in dealing with my daily life...shower us with your blessing and never-ending love...I'm just a small creature seeking for your forgiveness and sympathy...Amin...
Saturday, 22 September 2012
~Mode: Waiting for akhmaRidhwan's junior...~
Hi there! lama x update blog..almaklum now my life is a bit hectic(kunun....)...need to find some time to write...semenjak dua menjak ni, rase kureng berminat nk update blog...but since this is the only way that I can communicate with my friends, I have to fight this 'laziness'...
Ok, first n foremost,my current status...haaa...I'm now 37 weeks pregnant..but according to mak bidan who checked my tummy yesterday, she said that maybe I have less than 2 weeks before my delivery..waaa....scary tu....but don't get me wrong...I do mean it in a good way laa..rasa tidak sabar ingin bergelar ibu tu melebihi rase seram nk bersalin..because I believe that each woman has different experience in giving birth..xkire la se'scary' mana cite2 kwn2 yg aku dgr, harap2 dgn izin Allah, baby kami keluar dgn selamat n shat walafiat..insyaAllah....gender?? xkisah la...kl baby boy ok, baby girl pon ok....azam nk beranak ramai..hahahaha...mana2 kuar dulu pon xpe...
Last week, my husband and I went to Kuantan for holiday..not really turned out to be a perfect holiday la since my bro in law was admitted to the hospital due to his condition...the next day we all bergegas ke KL..then balik Kuantan n jalan2 bese je..thank God la xde pape yg serious...n after that we headed to Trengganu then the next day, to Kelate again...kire jalan2 jgk la tu kan?neway..syukur alhamdulillah coz during the journey tu nothing happened to me...siap leh tetido lena lagi...takot gak tetibe rase nk la time tu dh cukup2 9 month kan...amin...lega2...after this, no more jalan2 jauh2..pesan makcik2 aku...
K la, that's all for now..these are the latest pics of me n my hubby n in laws.. (9 month preggy)..just for tatapan miss Sabrina yg nun jauh di Sabah bah....rya aji ni leh la jumpe baby I ye...
p/s: the 'glasses' group are my in the middle: my beloved mom in law 'ummi'..
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
65 days to go.....
Salam Ramadhan to all!
Hi there!
tik tok tik tok,another 10 days left before we celebrate Hari Raya..yay! can't wait for that day to the same time, my baby is moving actively inside my tummy...feel a bit twitchy..heheh..but happy and excited...
I went to HUSM yesterday for check usual...the doc said that my baby and I are in good condition..Alhamdulillah...praise to Almighty GOD for this precious gift...this morning, I went to HUSM for MOGTT Test..again..just to monitor my condition since my late mom had Diabetes...I hope everything will be OK...
As the title indicates, I am now counting days...the funny thing is, doc still can't detect my baby's gender yet (after several trials).some of my friends assume that the baby might be a 'she' because of her 'shyness' n trying to cover her private parts..ahahahaha...but looking at the shape of my body, some says it might be a 'boy'..
Me??hmmm...I don't really mind long as this baby come out easily and safely..that's the most important part for me n for the preparations, we bought unisex outfit..(just in case) we falsely guess the gender....but,if u ask me sincerely, I am hoping for baby boy...for me, the eldest should be a boy so that he can take care of his siblings later...but if GOD rewards me with a girl, I will be more than happy to oblige....nothing is more precious in this world except for having a child of your own...!
This is the latest pic from yesterday's ultrasound...
my due date (according to doc's estimation) will be on October 13...if it's true, the baby will be considered as 'Raya Haji's Baby!!'hehehe.
..pray for me....pray for our baby....
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Baby is coming soon.....yay!
Salam all!
Its been a long time since I updated my blog....what to do...BZ la katekan..hahah..
anyway, nak kata nothing much, x jgk...too much...blom sampai tahap tu...all I can say is..there are soo many things happened to me for the past few months...
First and foremost, I am now 26 weeks and 2 days pregnant! Alhamdulillah...It's been a crazy yet tiring but fun experience for me carrying a human being inside my belly...It's MAGICAL! Never felt like this before...hoho..being an expecting mother can very exciting but at the same time, it can be tough as well..trying to cope with soo many probs at my workplace as well as at home helped me to become a new matured woman...special thanks to my loving husband who always support me..not forgetting my families and friends and most importantly, to Almighty God for giving me strength in dealing with my everyday life.
~my latest pic for Sab....mind the BIG belly!~
This post is specially dedicated to my far-away friends, Sab Sabahan and Cken Sarawakian..hehehe...jgn mare aaa...being away from u guys makes me sad...but I would like to congratulate Cken for the wonderful news from her..(she's also PREGNANT....YAY!!!!) but for Sab,hmm..still waiting for her prince charming to take her heart away...hahahah...
Talking about my baby, my husband and I already discussed about the selected names for baby boy and baby girl..but I will not reveal the names yet..wait until the baby come out then I'll present the name..I went for ultrasound last month but the doc couldn't detect the sex of my baby..never mind..let's keep it as a secret! hehehe....n for Sab, if you wish to buy a present for my baby, I'll accept anything with bright colours..(preferable:RED & ORANGE!) start saving from now ye..hehehe..PS:Miss you!
Ok, I guess that's all for now...about the new recipes..hmm..still got no time to cook proper dishes...just simple and easy dishes only...wait until I get my strength back k?
See u soon....
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Ubat Hati~
Salam my dear followers!
Hari ni hari yang agak membosankan sket since xramai yg datang i just sit down n do my jobs alone....wat exercise utk students n baca artikel sket pasal masalah rumah tangga..the main title is 'Apabila hubungan keruh, jernihkanlah hati..'.. that is quite scary for those who are married...mintak dijauhkanlah benda2 cmni...sebagai husband and wife, it is important that we trust each other...hati kene bersih...xleh buruk sangka..kene banyak tolerate...talking bout hati ni mengingatkan aku psl lagu fav hubby yg dinyanyikan oleh Opick...tajuknya 'TOMBO ATI'....ape tu tombo ati? hayatilah liriknya....
Tombo Ati iku limo perkorone
Kaping pisan moco Qur’an lan maknane
Kaping pindo sholat wengi lakonono
Kaping telu wong kang sholeh kumpulono
Kaping papat kudu weteng ingkang luwe
Kaping limo dzikir wengi ingkang suwe
Salah sawijine sopo iso ngelakoni
Mugi-mugi Gusti Allah nyembadani
Obat Hati ada lima perkaranya
Yang pertama baca Qur’an dan maknanya
Yang kedua sholat malam dirikanlah
Yang ketiga berkumpullah dengan orang sholeh
Yang keempat perbanyaklah berpuasa
Yang kelima dzikir malam perbanyaklah
Salah satunya siapa bisa menjalani
Moga-moga Gusti Allah mencukupi
the first part tu dinyanyikan dlm bahasa jawa....but kl u all hayati betul2 lagu ni, insyaAllah u all akan happened to me...alhamdulillah...aku bersyukur di atas kurnian-Nya...
kl kite dapat laksanakan salah satu drpada lima ubat hati tu, insyaAllah kita akan dapat pahala yg melimpah ruah drpd Allah S.W.T....
so, what are u waiting for?? hidup kite xpanjang....selagi hayat di kandung badan, beramallah sebanyak mungkin....semoga usaha kite diberkati olehNya...amin....
Hari ni hari yang agak membosankan sket since xramai yg datang i just sit down n do my jobs alone....wat exercise utk students n baca artikel sket pasal masalah rumah tangga..the main title is 'Apabila hubungan keruh, jernihkanlah hati..'.. that is quite scary for those who are married...mintak dijauhkanlah benda2 cmni...sebagai husband and wife, it is important that we trust each other...hati kene bersih...xleh buruk sangka..kene banyak tolerate...talking bout hati ni mengingatkan aku psl lagu fav hubby yg dinyanyikan oleh Opick...tajuknya 'TOMBO ATI'....ape tu tombo ati? hayatilah liriknya....
Tombo Ati iku limo perkorone
Kaping pisan moco Qur’an lan maknane
Kaping pindo sholat wengi lakonono
Kaping telu wong kang sholeh kumpulono
Kaping papat kudu weteng ingkang luwe
Kaping limo dzikir wengi ingkang suwe
Salah sawijine sopo iso ngelakoni
Mugi-mugi Gusti Allah nyembadani
Obat Hati ada lima perkaranya
Yang pertama baca Qur’an dan maknanya
Yang kedua sholat malam dirikanlah
Yang ketiga berkumpullah dengan orang sholeh
Yang keempat perbanyaklah berpuasa
Yang kelima dzikir malam perbanyaklah
Salah satunya siapa bisa menjalani
Moga-moga Gusti Allah mencukupi
the first part tu dinyanyikan dlm bahasa jawa....but kl u all hayati betul2 lagu ni, insyaAllah u all akan happened to me...alhamdulillah...aku bersyukur di atas kurnian-Nya...
kl kite dapat laksanakan salah satu drpada lima ubat hati tu, insyaAllah kita akan dapat pahala yg melimpah ruah drpd Allah S.W.T....
so, what are u waiting for?? hidup kite xpanjang....selagi hayat di kandung badan, beramallah sebanyak mungkin....semoga usaha kite diberkati olehNya...amin....
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Craving for CREME BRULEE~~~
I WANT IT! I WANT IT!'s CREME BRULEE time! don't know why but i feel like eating creme brulee and i want it sooooo bad...i don't care...(^_^)
@ lunch earlier today, i went to TESCO n decided to try for creme brulee cheese cake at Secret Recipe...i got to have it...whatever la...if i want something soo bad, i must have it..hehehehe...
Finally.....i bought it....Yummmmmmmmmmm.....! even though it didn't look exactly like the one i watched at Food Network Asia, but it was worth buying it plus soooo deliciousssssss!!
looks delicious right?heheheh...but...
this is what real creme brulee looks like....hehehehe... biggie la
so far I LOVEEE IT..~'s CREME BRULEE time! don't know why but i feel like eating creme brulee and i want it sooooo bad...i don't care...(^_^)
@ lunch earlier today, i went to TESCO n decided to try for creme brulee cheese cake at Secret Recipe...i got to have it...whatever la...if i want something soo bad, i must have it..hehehehe...
Finally.....i bought it....Yummmmmmmmmmm.....! even though it didn't look exactly like the one i watched at Food Network Asia, but it was worth buying it plus soooo deliciousssssss!!
looks delicious right?heheheh...but...
this is what real creme brulee looks like....hehehehe... biggie la
so far I LOVEEE IT..~
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
mengidam ker??
Salam to all.....
today my baby reaches 4 weeks and 3 days old..alhamdulillah...skrg ni dh start makan buah byk2, minum jus, makan sayur (kene paksa...hehehe)..xpe..nk kasi nutrient kt baby ni kene la paksa diri sket...thank GOD leh makan...n xlupe minum susu Anmum Materna choc n Folic Acid..harap2 sume cukup...
talking about mengidam...hmm...setakat ni bese2 je kot...xde rase nk makan benda pelik2 last night my hubby ckp dia rasa nk makan Manhattan Fish Market plak...hehehehe...mcm best jgk kat Klate mana ade benda tuh...kt KL je berlambak..nk x nk kene tunggu g KL plak la br leh makan....smlm teringat nk makan kuih cara berlauk..tup2 Kak ton (kwn opis) belikan utk aku...alhamdulillah...kenyang perut n sampai hajat gak nk makan benda tu...TQ Kak ton!hehehhe
keje2 rumah pon wat simple2 je...nasib baik masih ade perasaan nk memasak...kl x sian hubby aku...setakat ni syukur la aku xde alahan teruk sgt...kwn2 sblm ni ade citer psl diorang xleh langsung bau org menumis...hish..mintak2 la aku ok...kl x dapur xberasap la....
time2 gini teringat kat arwah mak...kl la dia masih hidup, musti dia seronok sgt nk sambut cucu baru....pas bersalin nanti confirm2 dia nk jaga aku time Allah lebih sayangkan dia...aku redha dgn ape yg berlaku....pejam celik pejam celik dh 7 bulan pemergian mak....arwah ayah palk dh 6 tahun lebih dh...semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat olehMU, ya Allah....amin...
ok, enough with sad story..hehehhehe....(sambil lap air mata)...skrg ni aku jarang kuar time lunch..rase cm letih semacam je...n pagi td try pakai kain dh xleh masuk...waaaaaa....pinggang dh kembang daaa....hehehhe..sabo je la.....last minute terpaksa iron baju lain...hubby rileks je...hehehe..xpe..hubby byk bantu wat keje umah....thanks abg!hehehe...
today my baby reaches 4 weeks and 3 days old..alhamdulillah...skrg ni dh start makan buah byk2, minum jus, makan sayur (kene paksa...hehehe)..xpe..nk kasi nutrient kt baby ni kene la paksa diri sket...thank GOD leh makan...n xlupe minum susu Anmum Materna choc n Folic Acid..harap2 sume cukup...
talking about mengidam...hmm...setakat ni bese2 je kot...xde rase nk makan benda pelik2 last night my hubby ckp dia rasa nk makan Manhattan Fish Market plak...hehehehe...mcm best jgk kat Klate mana ade benda tuh...kt KL je berlambak..nk x nk kene tunggu g KL plak la br leh makan....smlm teringat nk makan kuih cara berlauk..tup2 Kak ton (kwn opis) belikan utk aku...alhamdulillah...kenyang perut n sampai hajat gak nk makan benda tu...TQ Kak ton!hehehhe
keje2 rumah pon wat simple2 je...nasib baik masih ade perasaan nk memasak...kl x sian hubby aku...setakat ni syukur la aku xde alahan teruk sgt...kwn2 sblm ni ade citer psl diorang xleh langsung bau org menumis...hish..mintak2 la aku ok...kl x dapur xberasap la....
time2 gini teringat kat arwah mak...kl la dia masih hidup, musti dia seronok sgt nk sambut cucu baru....pas bersalin nanti confirm2 dia nk jaga aku time Allah lebih sayangkan dia...aku redha dgn ape yg berlaku....pejam celik pejam celik dh 7 bulan pemergian mak....arwah ayah palk dh 6 tahun lebih dh...semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat olehMU, ya Allah....amin...
ok, enough with sad story..hehehhehe....(sambil lap air mata)...skrg ni aku jarang kuar time lunch..rase cm letih semacam je...n pagi td try pakai kain dh xleh masuk...waaaaaa....pinggang dh kembang daaa....hehehhe..sabo je la.....last minute terpaksa iron baju lain...hubby rileks je...hehehe..xpe..hubby byk bantu wat keje umah....thanks abg!hehehe...
Saturday, 18 February 2012
YES, it's MINE....!
Salam to all.....
I'm in a VERY HAPPY MOOD today because.....i am PREGNANT!
ALhamdulillah...after waited for 1 year n 3 months, i finally conceived....feels really good....SYUKRAN YA RABB!....
I promise myself that i will take care of my baby.....pray for us k?
This is the pic that the doc gave to me this morning (i went for medical checkup)....although it's still small n tiny but it's ok...i'm still grateful with this PRECIOUS GIFT FROM GOD....amin...
I'm in a VERY HAPPY MOOD today because.....i am PREGNANT!
ALhamdulillah...after waited for 1 year n 3 months, i finally conceived....feels really good....SYUKRAN YA RABB!....
I promise myself that i will take care of my baby.....pray for us k?
This is the pic that the doc gave to me this morning (i went for medical checkup)....although it's still small n tiny but it's ok...i'm still grateful with this PRECIOUS GIFT FROM GOD....amin...
Saturday, 11 February 2012
~Oh! Ustaz Azhar...~
Salam n good afternoon guys!
Here we are again and today i would like to share with u my fav "YouTube Sensation" of all....he is....Ustaz AZHAR IDRUS.... i believe that u guys have heard about him, right?
He is a freelance muslim speaker and we LOVE HIM sooo much...
May GOD Bless you Ustaz for all the teaching that u have brought to us....and i hope that all of us will get the blessing from Almighty Allah S.W.T for listening to him....TAKBIR!!!!!
Here we are again and today i would like to share with u my fav "YouTube Sensation" of all....he is....Ustaz AZHAR IDRUS.... i believe that u guys have heard about him, right?
He is a freelance muslim speaker and we LOVE HIM sooo much...
May GOD Bless you Ustaz for all the teaching that u have brought to us....and i hope that all of us will get the blessing from Almighty Allah S.W.T for listening to him....TAKBIR!!!!!
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
~Fries with minced beef gravy~
Hi there!
just wanna share sumthing that I've made for breakfast...after searching the fridge for anything that could be used for making breakfast, my hubby had finally chosen the fries and minced beef....ok..just like what we had @ Wendy's....I simply used my own ingredients and alhamdulillah..i did it..well, it's a bit dry compared to Wendy's, but the taste was OK.....
p/s: don't forget to top it with cheeeeeseeeeee....~
trial and error...nothing's wrong with that right? he enjoyed it...fuhhhh...what a relief!
(i did put some herbs and spices to the beef..just added some 'WOW' taste there..hehehehe)
just wanna share sumthing that I've made for breakfast...after searching the fridge for anything that could be used for making breakfast, my hubby had finally chosen the fries and minced beef....ok..just like what we had @ Wendy's....I simply used my own ingredients and alhamdulillah..i did it..well, it's a bit dry compared to Wendy's, but the taste was OK.....
p/s: don't forget to top it with cheeeeeseeeeee....~
trial and error...nothing's wrong with that right? he enjoyed it...fuhhhh...what a relief!
(i did put some herbs and spices to the beef..just added some 'WOW' taste there..hehehehe)
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Hey there!
A Simple yet delicious pasta recipe...i wanted to try it since...hmmm.. i can't remember...but once i did it, it was awesome! my in-laws love it!!'s a perfect meal for those who have no idea what to eat and the ingredients are easy to get...
all u need:
1) spaghetti - boil n toss
2) shrimp/squid
3) garlic (lots of 'em!)- chop
4) chilli (big or small...ur choice!)or capsicum- chop
5) chicken stock (powder)
6) olive oil
7) fresh chopped parsley (or dried one)
8) pepper n salt to taste
how to cook?
- heat up a pan and add olive oil..then add chopped garlic, fry it for a while and add chopped chilli...
- add the shrimp/squid...make sure they're cooked enough....
- then add the boiled-n-tossed spaghetti...stir it well..add chicken stock, a bit pepper n salt...stir n stir..
- lastly, add the chopped parsley..stir well and ready to serve....yum2!
A Simple yet delicious pasta recipe...i wanted to try it since...hmmm.. i can't remember...but once i did it, it was awesome! my in-laws love it!!'s a perfect meal for those who have no idea what to eat and the ingredients are easy to get...
all u need:
1) spaghetti - boil n toss
2) shrimp/squid
3) garlic (lots of 'em!)- chop
4) chilli (big or small...ur choice!)or capsicum- chop
5) chicken stock (powder)
6) olive oil
7) fresh chopped parsley (or dried one)
8) pepper n salt to taste
how to cook?
- heat up a pan and add olive oil..then add chopped garlic, fry it for a while and add chopped chilli...
- add the shrimp/squid...make sure they're cooked enough....
- then add the boiled-n-tossed spaghetti...stir it well..add chicken stock, a bit pepper n salt...stir n stir..
- lastly, add the chopped parsley..stir well and ready to serve....yum2!
mERRY gO Penang-Perak ROuND~
Salam n Hi there!
Last month we went to Perak n Penang for a very good reason n at the same time, to jenjalan...after my bro-in-law's interview @UTP, Perak, we rushed to Penang to meet the-other-bro-in-law n had a great time there..even though i was the only woman (2 bros+hubby), it didn't stop me to have fun with them...
We had movie marathon n crushed 5 different malls in 1 day! i was so tired but those guys were still energetic..hahahaha...but it was super fun...we had BIG LUNCH at Manhattan Fish Market....
this was Faiz Bongsu's plate...yummyyyyy!
this was mine...hmmm...a bit bigger than Faiz....and..jeng3..
this was my HUBBY'S!!!! The biggest of them all...hahaahahha....
but all of them were DELICIOUS!!!!
So, please go to Manhattan Fish Market for further details (of prices)..hihihi...
^the COMPANIONS....~Naim & Faiz Bongsu~hehehehe
Last month we went to Perak n Penang for a very good reason n at the same time, to jenjalan...after my bro-in-law's interview @UTP, Perak, we rushed to Penang to meet the-other-bro-in-law n had a great time there..even though i was the only woman (2 bros+hubby), it didn't stop me to have fun with them...
We had movie marathon n crushed 5 different malls in 1 day! i was so tired but those guys were still energetic..hahahaha...but it was super fun...we had BIG LUNCH at Manhattan Fish Market....
this was Faiz Bongsu's plate...yummyyyyy!
this was mine...hmmm...a bit bigger than Faiz....and..jeng3..
this was my HUBBY'S!!!! The biggest of them all...hahaahahha....
but all of them were DELICIOUS!!!!
So, please go to Manhattan Fish Market for further details (of prices)..hihihi...
^the COMPANIONS....~Naim & Faiz Bongsu~hehehehe
Salam to all n HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!'s been a long time since my last's 2012 now!!!! let your life full with NEW spirit, NEW dreams and NEW hope! Amin....
Nothing much to talk about except for congratulating my ex-colleagues for their newly changed status from miss-to-madam....congrats to Mdm Ima n hubby n also Mdm Analhuda n hubby! welcome to da club ladies! hehehehe...n not forgetting the arrival of Mdm Fatihah's cutie Harraz Firosh and Mdm Azni's new born baby boy...congrats mummy Fatihah & Azni!
4 happy journeys had just begun n insyaAllah, after this we shall be hearing more good news from our fellow friends and families....
As for me,emmmm...well, 1 of my dreams is still not achieved yet...i hope this year will be the year of my awaited dream to come true...insyaAllah...pray to Almighty ALLAH..(^_^)'s been a long time since my last's 2012 now!!!! let your life full with NEW spirit, NEW dreams and NEW hope! Amin....
Nothing much to talk about except for congratulating my ex-colleagues for their newly changed status from miss-to-madam....congrats to Mdm Ima n hubby n also Mdm Analhuda n hubby! welcome to da club ladies! hehehehe...n not forgetting the arrival of Mdm Fatihah's cutie Harraz Firosh and Mdm Azni's new born baby boy...congrats mummy Fatihah & Azni!
4 happy journeys had just begun n insyaAllah, after this we shall be hearing more good news from our fellow friends and families....
As for me,emmmm...well, 1 of my dreams is still not achieved yet...i hope this year will be the year of my awaited dream to come true...insyaAllah...pray to Almighty ALLAH..(^_^)
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