Sunday, 3 July 2011

yUM2 FluffY muFFins!

hey yawls!

it's 10.30 a.m and i'm feeling a lil bit sleepy...just to convert this feeling, i would like to share with u some pictures of one of my new attempted cooking taken from some a recipe book that i bought few months ago...FYI, if i flip some mags or some recipe books and when my eyes caught some simple yet delicious recipe, i tend to try it at once! call me old fashion but when i wanted to try something new, i will try exactly as what has been written in the book. in other words, it is called as "followed by the book" (my hubby always call me that..;p) but that doesn't really bother me... i keep trying and trying until i achieve what i want...heheehe...

ok. enough about let us spare some moments to view these pictures of fluffy muffins...i've tried two flavours, raspberry and chocolate muffins...(p/s: for raspberry, it's actually blueberry flavor but since i only have raspberry jam, i simply replace it..heheh)'s very simple n family love them soo much!
~before~ (Raspberry muffin)


~these are the pictures for Chocolate Muffin....double + tripple Yummyyyyy!!!~

n some more pic....from different angle..teheeeee...

n more........

...fuh...i feel better now...hehehe...


  1. sedapnyer muffin..!!dahla pose nii...aduii~

  2. hahahha...

    sabau ye miss zura....

    ini sume COBAAN...kihkihkih
