Monday, 1 August 2011

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak...A blessed month.

Salam to all....

Today is 1st August...first day of Fasting month...Alhamdulillah..i am so grateful to be able to celebrate this month for the first time as a wife...and also first time without my parent...i feel a lil bit sad because my mom is not here with us anymore
..its a bit awkward actually..but life must go on....(sigh...)

ok, i am so excited to spend the rest of the month with my husband and my in laws...its a new beginning in my life's chapter and i hope it will be ok....this morning i woke up at 430 am n helped my sister in serving the table....i cooked 'ikan tongkol masak pedas' and 'sayur air' last night....yummy....the rest of the meal were cooked by my sis earlier...we started eating at about 515 am and finished at 535 am....after that we cleared the table n started watching football match...hehehehe...

as for this month, the working hours are different..usually we thumb in at 9 am, but now, we thumb in at 830 and go back at 5 this moment i am thinking about what to have for break fast...hehehehe...feel a bit sleepy now....zzzzz

hope u guys have a wonderful time!

Salam Ramadhan!


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